Meeting & Event Planning Courses & Schedules

Certificate of Completion in Meeting & Event Planning

 View Course Schedule & Register   Request Information Now!


Online/Offsite Course Schedule

Please note that more course offerings may be available in the future. Spring courses are posted in early October and Fall courses are posted in early March.
Meeting & Event Planning classes are held during the Fall and Spring terms only. 
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Note: Once you place course(s) in your shopping cart, please either follow through the checkout process and purchase your course(s), or, if you decide not to take courses, remove them from your cart. If you leave a course in your cart for a long period, the course may become either filled or cancelled during the period before your registration is complete.

* Schedule and costs subject to change at any time; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated daily




Course Cart Detail


Notification Details



Additional Class Notes/Updates

This course has a Hybrid Modality. Class Sessions are live-online via Zoom except for the following dates:

  • Class will meet in person for one session at hotel site; session date, location, and other details will be provided to enrolled students via Canvas
  • Class will meet in person for Session #7 on 4/5/2025 in EE-1213 at CSUDH


Course Session Descriptions

Planning Basics, Leadership and People Management

This session provides an overview of the event and meeting planning industry and its stakeholders. This session will provide quick tips for identifying goals and objectives, developing timelines, and establishing a meeting design. Students will learn the step-by-step plans to ensure that their meeting fits the needs of the audience through and design.

Financial and Contract Management

This session provides a detailed account of how to prepare an event budget. Using the course Excel template, students will learn how cost saving measures can affect the bottom line. This class will explain the basic elements of a contract. Venue contract will be the primary focus of this session, but it will also explore vendor contracts.

RFP and RFQ Process

This session provides participants with the tools to plan and manage a program, event or meeting effectively and efficiently. Participants will be provided with essential information for developing planning strategies and working with various stakeholders, including speakers, planning committees, and managing volunteers.

Risk Management, Marketing and Public Relations

The safety of events and event attendees are some of the most important aspects of an event plan. But how much time do people spend on planning and preparing for emergencies? This session will teach meeting and event planners how to identify and measure risks, develop, and implement procedures for risk mitigation. Students will also receive a template for an event emergency action plan.

Facilities and Services (In-Person/Offsite Location)

This session will take place at a hotel or event venue and will provide “behind the scenes” experience. In this session participants will learn how to conduct a site inspection and what should be known prior to signing a venue agreement. Discussions on what influences venue pricing, and what aspects are negotiable. During this session participants will learn about food and beverage as well as audio visual management. The session provides tips on how to work with venues to create a win/win scenario.

Career Planning Using Event and Program Management Skills

This session provides an overview of how various professional roles and titles can benefit from program management and meeting and event planning skills. Guest speakers will share information regarding resources, professional organizations, and career possibilities.

Group Capstone Project Presentations (In-Person/On-Campus)

Using the meeting planning tools taught, students will prepare and present an event plan for a social or corporate function, including its implementation and management. Presentations will be made to the program instructors and a panel of guest speakers.

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 Information & Registration

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; course schedules are updated daily. If a course in which you are interested is no longer displaying in the course schedule, please be aware that its registration deadline may have already passed, or the course may have already reached capacity. Review the schedule for alternate dates, or sign up for Program Updates to be notified of upcoming classes.



New Students

  • If you are a new to CSUDH and have never taken a course through CSUDH Continuing Education, simply select the course you want to take, click on the Cart icon to register, input your personal information, and pay for your class(es).

Current Students

  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active in the past 6 months, you will use your regular CSUDH login information.
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active within the past 2 years, but who has not been active in the past 6 months, you will need to reset your password by visiting

All Other CCPE Students

  • If you are a past CSUDH Continuing Education student who has NOT been active within the past 2 years, please register for your first (returning) course as though you are new student. 
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has forgotten your username, student ID number, and/or Toromail address, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to retrieve this information.

Current Admitted CSUDH (Non-Continuing Ed) Students

  • ⚠ If you are a currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate CSUDH student who wishes to take a CSUDH Continuing Education course for the first time, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to get registered. (Please note that CCPE courses cannot be registered through MyCSUDH.)


When you're ready to register, select the " Add" button to the left of your desired course(s), and then select the " Cart" to begin the Checkout process.

If the course you want to register for has a prerequisite, after selecting "Checkout & Pay", you must Log In using your CSUDH campus credentials so that the system can verify that you have completed the required prerequisite course.

Have other questions?

  • For further instructions regarding the checkout process, visit
  • To drop a course and receive a refund, please login to, click on "Course History", and drop the course. You will receive a refund within 10 days (depending on your financial institution). If you would like to switch courses or course sections, you must first drop the course, and then enroll in your preferred course.
  • Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call 310-243-2075, email, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.